…Rice Ranch….

…hello, Rice Lodge…

We're moving TOMORROW. Eeeeek !!! I'll post more pics later, as we are in a state of chaos at the moment. For now, here is a sneak peek….

…so excited !!

Merry day after Christmas :)
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Can you believe it's two days until CHRISTMAS ???! I'm soooooo excited !!

Jason and Naomi hosted an Ugly Sweater Party on Saturday.

We all "walked the runway" to music and voted on who had the ugliest sweater. Things may have digressed into a dance competition….

I'm posting the videos, but be warned: they are a bit graphic.

You may never view our family the same again.

Cast your vote !!

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We are currently in the middle of a baking frenzy. I'm elbow deep in peanut butter kiss cookies and peppermint bark, but I took a break to give you another Christmas present.

Did you miss your other ones ? See the past two posts if you did. 

And a HUGE thank you for all the Christmas cookie and candy ideas in the comment section a few posts back - we're using a bunch of them ! 

Ready for your gifts? Here we go...

Here's Mister Hayden Patrick...

And the Lilybird, doing her classic "hmmmm" face…

We went to The Nutcracker here in town last Saturday. Monique and Naomi and Norah attended with Kenz, Abbi and Lily and me…it was divine !!

And here is a sweet little video of Hayden…completely entertained by a ball bouncing off his head.

Merry Almost Christmas !!

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Day two of a-gift-a-day-until-Christmas here on A Perfect Lily. If you missed your first gift, see the previous post. It was a good one.

Just a quick update on life at the Rice Ranch before I give you your gifts.

We won't know til December 27th about our house…are you still praying for us ? Please keep it up !

My kids all got flu shots today. Actually, they all got nasal spray (big sigh of relief from lots of children here) and Lily got a shot. Do you do flu shots/nasal spray in your family ? They seem to have helped us the past few years…  although last year this time we got THE worst stomach flu known to mankind while Sam was away having a blast in Thailand. I took care of 8 puking kids while pregnant and puking myself, while he went galavanting around Thailand riding elephants or something.  Not that I'm bitter or anything…

Anyhoot, this was before the nasal spray and shots…

Lily kept peeking in the lab at each child to see what was going on. As soon as it was her turn she lost it. And if you've ever tried to pin an almost-four year old down while she is screaming MAMA PLEEEEEASE up at you and thrashing frantically on an exam table…you know it is right up there with root canals on your list of how not to spend your holidays. 

We did all survive the ordeal, however... I promised Lily and the kids a cookie at Coffee Culture where big sissy works after the doctor visit, so as soon as Lily's band-aid was on, she starting yelling "ALL DONE !!!! COOKIE !!!!" Then she waved and told the nurse bye-bye a hundred times. We took the kids to visit our favorite nurse on the other side of the lab, and as soon as Lily saw her she started yelling "GO !! GO!!" and pointing out the door. Those poor nurses, they have such a reputation for pain with my kids. But if this saves us a bout with the flu for a household of eleven, it is worth it. Trust me on this one.

As promised, a trip to Coffee Culture…

…Lily acts like she owns the place every time we go there. And she must have her giant cookie in a bag every time. Not on a plate, not handed to her in a napkin- it must be in a bag. Girlfriend is all about routine.

So now we're back home, and I am about to hot glue a dozen gingerbread houses together for decorating tonight. This is a yearly tradition, and one of our favorites….and this year my grandbabies are coming too, which makes things twice as fun. Pictures of that tomorrow, but for now here are a few from Instagram….

me with Norah…my granddaughter. I wuv her.

Norah Jane

L is for Lily

And now, for your Christmas presents…are you ready ? Two of them today….

Here is Jason, my oldest son. This is goin' viral folks - remember, you saw it here first.

And here is the Lilybird doing her thang.

Merry Christmas !!
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