An emergency meeting of the sock sisters has been called via email this evening. It resulted in this post.

There's so much to say, but in a nutshell: I need your help.

Friends, I can't tell you how important this is.

My friend Elizabeth....  words fail...  my beautiful friend, Elizabeth needs a miracle. Cancer stinks, and Elizabeth is not dong well. I'm asking you to pray for healing for her - if you've been a reader here for the past few years, you know who and what I'm referring to.

The one thing that makes Elizabeth happy- the thing that is helping her right this minute, as she's fighting an infection and fighting cancer and fighting for her life- is helping others.

It's called The Dehority Distraction.

And this time we want to give her a BIG distraction... and this is where YOU come in.

This is Luke - an orphan with Down syndrome.

... his family needs $14,000 to be fully funded, so that they can go bring him home from China.

There is a BIG giveaway going on over HERE....

...please, please, PLEASE - will you go donate to Luke's family and be entered to win that amazing prize and more ??

Elizabeth put this all together- you know that great organization called Make A Wish ?? Well if they had that for adults, Elizabeth would ask for this to happen...for Luke's family to be funded, and that she could be a part of the miracle to make that happen. This is Elizabeth's wish.

Will you help me make it come true ??

Please go to Julia's post to donate and be entered to win... and grant Elizabeth's wish in the process.


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