it was a beautiful day

 It's Monday night and fifteen minutes til my (self-imposed) bedtime.

I'm fading fast, and my brain cells for the day are all depleted ... I have just enough words left in my head to last through this post and then bedtime prayers, before the only sound I will be able to utter is zzzzzzz.

So I'll keep it short.

Caleb and I took Hayden on a walk through the trails in our neighborhood today.

We saw every color of the rainbow ... it was spectacular.

Rasberry Red ...

Opulant orange ...

Yummalicious yellow ...

...and her cousin, mellow yellow ...

Gorgeous gold ...

Marvelous moss green ...


Baby blue ....

Perfectly pink and eye-popping purple ...

... and wrinkly gray. (me, not Caleb.)

It was a beautiful day.

The End.


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