belated birthday blogpost

It's been a crazy month at The Rice Ranch.

So far, we have had : my birthday, two of my nieces' birthdays,  Koa's adoption, Kenzie's birthday, Josiah's birthday, Monique's baby shower, and the last of Tyler and Jonathan's basketball games.

Still to come : Jason's birthday and my brother's birthday (same day), Sam's two brothers' birthdays, Jonathan and Caleb's birthdays, Monique's birthday, my mom's birthday, Sam's birthday, and the birth of my brother's seventh baby.

Oh, and Saint Patrick's day ! hello, green clover pancakes.

As I was saying, it's been a busy month.

I think I post this apology a little too often : but if you have emailed me recently with a blog request, question, story, etc. and I didn't respond... can you re-send it ? I have a bad habit of checking my email from my phone, and if I accidentally click on something and don't actually read it, it appears as read in my inbox. And I am a total right brain thinker. Or is it left ? Whichever side works like this - out-of-sight-out-of-mind. That's me. SO if something isn't highlighted in yellow, or typed in bold or written on a piece of paper and hung on my fridge... I'm doomed. Please forgive me ! And re-send.

Speaking of this failure of my brain to recognize anything not four inches from my face as important - I forgot about these photos from last Friday. I went into my Lightroom program to see what pictures I hadn't edited, and I found this little pile of pics from Kenzie's 22nd birthday. It was only a week ago, but still.. I meant to post these right after Koa's adoption post and forgot. So here we go.

A Belated Birthday Blogpost

We celebrated Mackenzie's 22nd birthday with the dinner of her choice : homemade wontons by Caleb and stir-fry by mom, topped off by Snicker's cake. Yum.

Kenzie went to Portland with a bunch of her friends the day after her birthday, so this dinner party was pretty low-key. Except we had all just attended Koa's adoption ceremony at the county courthouse, and we were still floating on clouds nine, ten, and 452 (why is cloud nine considered so special anyway ?? anybody know ?? anybody ... ??) so ANHYOOT... it was a pretty special night.

One of these days when we can afford it (after we buy an actual bed frame for our king sized bed, purchased a year ago) I am going to invest in a table that we can all sit at. I'm not sure what kind of table we can comfortably fit 18 people around, without ditching the living room furniture (turned around for dinner to fit some little people), but if I find one, it's happening. I thought about calling Michelle Duggar to find out where they got their nifty king-sized table, but I don't have her number.

Soooo.... for now, this one will have to do...

(insert sarcastic comments in the comment section by my brother, who will notice all the funny facial expressions in the background, rather than the little cutie pie and his big sister right up front.)

Kenzie wanted a baseball jersey for her birthday, because she is simple and sweet like that. And also- watching her favorite nephew officially become a Rice on her birthday was pretty much the best present EVUH. She got some yummy Trader Joe's snacks and a cool OSU shirt from her dad that says "Don't Do Quack" as well. #GoBeavs

We celebrated the events of the day - an adoption and a birthday-  in typical Rice fashion: lots of music, laughter, strange jokes, sarcasm, sports discussion, cell phone checking (Jason's area of expertise) and watching funny videos on youtube.

Oh yeah, and stick horse limbo... did I mention that ??

...and dancing. Always dancing.

So there you have it.

A Happy Belated-Blog-Post Birthday to our dear Mackenzie Elizabeth...  we love you, Kenz !!!


p.s. There is a FABULOUS giveaway going on over at my friend Deanna's blog. Tons of darling Etsy items up for grabs  - don't miss it !!

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