gifts of grace

My heart is so full right now.

Yesterday our grandson officially became a Rice. More on that Monday- because I want to give his mommy a chance to blog about that amazing day before I do. But I will say this- besides the births of our children, I can't remember feeling so happy, so full of joy, and so aware of the grace of God, as yesterday.

It was a beautiful day.

And right now, I'm still floating on that feeling. I have so much to say about the grace of God - about His love for us, and His desire to give good gifts to us. I'll write more on Monday about it, because it is so obvious in the big things... but it's present in the small things as well.

There is a beautiful, a present, a tangible grace of God in a thousand little scenes played out every day in our lives.

Beautiful - it goes beyond the ordinary. It overrides everything in the natural and creates an extraordinary image for us of who God is ... if we pay attention.

Present - it's happening right now. The grace of God isn't something we have to wait for ... it's here, right now, waiting for us to receive it. And He so wants to give it to us.

God is pouring out His grace on us

It may be in big ways, like Koa's adoption ceremony. Or it may be in the tiniest details... in the gifts that He gives to us through our children. The curve of a little pinkie, the wisps of hair that frame her face, the tenderness she shows her babies... I see gifts so clearly right here, right now, gifts of grace.

Tangible- you can reach out and grab it if you want to. It's within your grasp. The grace of God- His blessing, His forgiveness, His favor - it's available for you, if you ask.

And as you go, spread this message : the kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Matthew 10:7

Did you catch that ? It's at hand. It's attainable.

Today I'm thanking Jesus for the big gifts, and the little ones as well.

Lord, help me to live life with my eyes wide open, help me to see the miracles that are happening right here, right now, and to recognize your love and grace in each one.

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. 
James 1:17

“The whole of the life -- even the hard -- is made up of the minute parts, and if I miss the infinitesimals, I miss the whole. These are new language lessons, and I live them out. There is a way to live the big of giving thanks in all things. It is this: to give thanks in this one small thing. The moments will add up.”

~ Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts

Happy Saturday. xo

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